How to arrive
ADDRESS: Partida Cobes Pintades. 44651 La Cerollera (Teruel). GPS COORDENATES: 40°50'23.5"N 0°05'12.4"W
From Madrid, take direction Guadalajara E90 (A2) to Teruel, in Monreal del Campo follow N211 direction Calanda, in Calanda continue directio Torrevelilla-La Cerollera.
From Barcelona take direction Reus AP7, in Reus follow N420 direction Alcañiz. Before arriving Alcañiz, in Ventas de Valdealgorfa, turn left direction Morella-Castellón N232. 16 km far from this point there is a junction to the righ, follow it to La Cerollera.
From Zaragoza follow N212 to Alcañiz. Cross Alcañiz by ringroad, in Ventas de Valdealgorfa keep driving through N232 direction Morella-Castellón. 16 km far from there, yu must take a crossing to the right, take it to arrive to La Cerollera.
* Exit La Cerollera direction La Cañada de Verich TE-53. 1 km. far, when the road starts to ascend, turn left to a minor road. In that road continue during 2 km, turning right in all crossings you may find until you arrive to the Masía.